Providing all San's Haematology and Oncology patients the best possible treatment outcomes
Clinical Trials Unit
The Clinical Trials Unit is a not-for-profit organisation that is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Sydney Adventist Hospital. San CTU consists of clinical haematologists, medical oncologists, clinical trial coordinators, clinical trial pharmacists and experienced oncology nurses.
San CTU's first participation in clinical trials commenced in 2005 at the Hornsby premises. San CTU is now a well-established and respected clinical trials unit and have participated in over 100 trials.
The purpose of the unit is to provide all oncology and haematology patients treated at Sydney Adventist Hospital the best possible treatment outcomes through offering them the opportunity and ability to participate in the most current treatment options available in the fields of medical oncology, radiation oncology and clinical haematology.
Trial management is performed by a collaborative group of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, pathologists and radiology staff and is coordinated by experienced clinical trial coordinators. Treatments are either delivered in the San Day Infusion Centre, the Radiation Oncology Centre or as an outpatient.
We offer clinical trial participation in multi-centre, national and international clinical trials run by pharmaceutical companies and national collaborative groups such as: Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG), the ANZ Gynaecology/Oncology Group (ANZGOG), the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP), the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group (ALLG) along with the ANZ Breast Cancer Trials Group (ANZBCTG).
Current Trials
We have trials open for recruitment in a number of Haematology and Oncology areas.
More information regarding each trial can be found here.
Nina Singh, Manager San CTU
Phone: 02 9480 6280 or Email:
Address: Level 2, Tulloch Building, Sydney Adventist Hospital
(Access via Cancer Centre entrance, Level 2, Main Hospital P1 Car Park)
As part of our doctors' ongoing commitment to clinical research and improving patient outcomes, the doctors at NHOG are actively involved in clinical research.
Below are some of the NHOG team's recent publications:
DR ARTHUR CLEMENTS (Medical Oncologist)
DR CSILLA HASOVITZ (Medical Oncologist)
A/PROF GAVIN MARX (Medical Oncologist)
DR KATHARINE HODGKINSON (Clinical Psychologist)